Staying home rather than face relentless bullying at school, teen Kokoro (voiced by Ami Touma) discovered that her bedroom mirror served as a portal to an interdimensional castle. Encountering six other young outcasts there, they were informed by their host-a wolf-masked little girl-they'd have a year-long quest for a hidden key within... that would grant the dearest wish of only one, in this acclaimed anime take on the Mizuki Tsujimura novel. 116 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Japanese; Subtitles: English. In Japanese with English subtitles.
Staying home rather than face relentless bullying at school, teen Kokoro (voiced by Ami Touma) discovered that her bedroom mirror served as a portal to an interdimensional castle. Encountering six other young outcasts there, they were informed by their host-a wolf-masked little girl-they'd have a year-long quest for a hidden key within... that would grant the dearest wish of only one, in this acclaimed anime take on the Mizuki Tsujimura novel. 116 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Japanese; Subtitles: English. In Japanese with English subtitles.
Staying home rather than face relentless bullying at school, teen Kokoro (voiced by Ami Touma) discovered that her bedroom mirror served as a portal to an interdimensional castle. Encountering six other young outcasts there, they were informed by their host-a wolf-masked little girl-they'd have a year-long quest for a hidden key within... that would grant the dearest wish of only one, in this acclaimed anime take on the Mizuki Tsujimura novel. 116 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: Japanese; Subtitles: English. In Japanese with English subtitles.