Dark Net cyber spy Elad Ezrachi takes us undercover, hacking into closed Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hamas, and Salafist forums in Syria, Libya, Gaza, and Iraq. He furrows into the Dark Net where Afghan heroin and opiates are sold, weapons are purchased, and priceless stolen archaeological artefacts are traded. The buyers and sellers are terrorist militias and criminal networks. What we discover online is followed up on the ground. We profile C.A.R forensic weapons specialists fanning out across Africa and the Middle East, finding weapons used by terrorists and retracing their route back to the sellers and the manufacturers. Working with a former DEA and RCMP Undercover money launderer and a former head of the Anti-Terror Finance Unit in the FBI, we discover and retrace how Hezbollah and other radical terrorist groups forge alliances with the Venezuelan government and South American cartels to distribute narcotics in the US and Europe, laundering the money through African companies We follow an American Archaeologist Investigator, backed up by US Intelligence Satellite reconnaissance networks and spies on the ground in Syria exposing how all the terror militias and armies in the Syrian conflict are earning up to a billion dollars selling looted antiquities on world markets. We see looters in action. We see rare manuscripts, figurines, and coins-all looted and stolen. We trace the smuggling crime routes to Beirut and onward to Europe